Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Abracadabra: Reading is the Magic Word!

Roald Dahl once said, "Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."  Lafayette Reading Road Trippers must truly believe: there's magic in the LMC air this winter!  We're reading books and creating all kinds of hocus-pocus projects about magic, magicians, and the one-and-only Great Houdini.

Our Abracadabra Reading Road Trip proudly presents
Lafayette magician Jack O.
His first trick features a box, a disappearing ball...
and a very interesting magic wand.

Open Sesame!  In The Magician’s Elephant by Kate DiCamillo, Peter Augustus Duchene believes that he is alone in the world-- until he meets a fortune teller in the marketplace who tells him that his long-lost sister is alive.  The ten-year-old orphan embarks on an amazing journey to find her.

11 Birthdays project by Carlin C.

Jack's second magic trick requires a focused mind
and some hocus pocus with colored cylinders!

Sim Sala Bim!  Savvy by Ingrid Law follows the adventures of just-turned-thirteen Mibs Beaumont.  She discovers that she has special magical powers... just as her father is injured in a horrible accident.

Savvy Bus by Ava Z.
Bippity Boppity Boo!  It’s 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass! Amanda and Leo have celebrated their first nine same-day birthdays together.  They have a fight on their tenth birthday and don’t speak to each other for a year.  As they prepare to celebrate their eleventh birthday separately, strange things begin to happen... over and over again.

Check out this book scene dramatization
by Ellie, Emma, and Kelly:

11 Birthdays Cake by Rachel O.

Presto chango, it’s time for an illustrated biography from a popular series!  In Who Was Harry Houdini? by Tui Sutherland, we explore the life and legend of the renowned escape artist and magician.
Who Was Harry Houdini? Diorama by Jack C-B.
Harry Houdini Underwater Escape by Caroline Q.
The magical mystery tour continues with The Houdini Box by Brian Selznick.  A chance encounter with Harry Houdini leaves a young boy in possession of a mysterious box-- one that might just hold secrets to the most amazing magic tricks ever performed! 

The Houdini Box by Lea C-B.

Jack's third and final magic trick involves
an amazing feat of mind-reading!

Our magical reading tour wouldn’t be complete, of course, without a stop at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry-- and a visit with Harry Potter and his friends, Ronald Weasley and Hermoine Granger. Reading Road Trippers are reading and re-reading the seven fantasy novels written by British author J.K. Rowling and following Harry’s epic struggle with evil wizard Lord Voldemort. 
Harry Potter Poster by Josh F.

Quidditch Field by Molly A.